
First look at the LEGO Ideas Tuxedo Cat (21349)

LEGO has just announced the 57th LEGO Ideas set and it should have you feline pretty good! Here’s a look at 21349 Tuxedo Cat, which will be released on 1 June 2024

This 1,710-piece model lets you re-create a LEGO Tuxedo Cat for display in your home. Great for cat people and those that like cats but are allergic to them. This one definitely won’t topple your other LEGO models over.

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The LEGO Tuxedo makes for a pretty fun display piece, standing over 32 cm (12.5 in.) tall.

The LEGO Cat is semi interactive with the ability to have an open or closed mouth, rotate its head and adjust the ears, paws and tail for different playful poses.

Here’s the original Ideas for reference. I’d really like to know why they changed the cat breed to a Tuxedo cat!

You can also choose between blue or yellow eyes or go with one of each for a cat with heterochromia.

And yes, the cat works great in this classic meme too. Huzzah!

21349 Tuxedo Cat will be released on 1 June 2024 and will be available from or your local LEGO Store.

What do you think of the LEGO Ideas Tuxedo Cat? Purr-fect or just a little too uncanny?

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22 responses to “First look at the LEGO Ideas Tuxedo Cat (21349)”

  1. Paige says:

    Bruh, Lego really dropped the ball on this one. The original looks so much better

  2. LV Lisa says:

    Would like to see various color options as well. My little Tuxedo princess was gray and white with green eyes and a little pink nose. She crossed the Rainbow Bridge in Feb. 2023 and we miss her.

  3. Kelly says:

    Where can I pre-order this as mentioned in the post? I’m not seeing a pre-order option on the Lego site.

  4. Brenda says:

    Tuxedo Cat is a great set. Why not a 3 in 1? Just changing color. It looks like you can change out a few of the outer pieces & change the coloring. My grandson & I will have fun with Tuxedo Cat.

  5. Sally Wackowski says:

    I feel sorry for the person that created the original. Changing the breed does not reward that person, who probably owns a Siamese.

  6. George says:

    It would be so cool if they added green eyes!! and a couple extra black and white pieces or a black nose option to be able to customise it to look like your own cat!! my tuxedo has a little black nose and a moustache!

  7. Tony says:

    I like the original version color pattern better, but will probably buy this for my mother given her love for tuxedo cats. That said, I’m curious why the didn’t smooth the final model out using the SNOT (Studs Not On Top) method. They’ve used it in the past (and have failed to use it when obvious…talking about you Captain America shield).

  8. Sarah says:

    Australian price is $169 on Lego website. Love the set!

  9. Ron P says:

    Hard pass.

  10. Reaven says:

    Imagine Lego taking the ideas set you made of your own cat and being like “nah your cat isn’t good enough.”

  11. Sandra J Martinez says:

    I love this wish it had green eyes. Just like my angel who has crossed over the rainbow bridge.

  12. Agatha says:

    Love this kitty! Will definitely be purchasing!

  13. Jennifer says:

    Yes I will be getting one. Is it gonna be sold in nz

  14. Janie says:

    I wanted the siamese version grrrr

  15. Mike Shelton says:

    Does LEGO make a Calico cat?

  16. Sam Conklin says:

    I want a pure black one, and a ginger and maybe a tortie (yes, I have several cats). do you think they will do that?

    I’m thinking I might be able to order parts to make the tuxedo one a purr black one…

  17. Roger Beal says:

    Definitely getting this one!

  18. Katerina Malisheva says:

    I also like the original submission better. It’s cool that the model is somewhat posable, but otherwise it looks bulky & boring. There is too much black there. If Lego didn’t like the siamese coloring, they could have picked a tabby or calico. Halloween fanatics will be happy since it should be easy to modify to all black cat.

  19. Seeley Trudy says:

    I definitely would have bought this if it were the original Siamese cat!

  20. Really like when they do animals but the design isn’t as good as it could be and the price for canada bro…..

  21. Carolynn Burwick says:

    Oh, too bad. I would have bought the other color because it looks just like my cat.

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