
“Completely abhorrent” LEGO slams American firearms customiser for LEGO glock

I’m not American so I don’t really understand the obsession with firearms… but hooley dooley is this a top contender for the “what were they thinking” award.

I’m choosing not to share the full image, but you can find it all over Google, and in the Washington Post article as it’s in incredibly poor taste.

According to the Washington Post, a Utah-based firearms modification company (why is this a thing?) released a kit that encases Glock handguns in red, yellow and blue Lego blocks, refashioning lethal weapons to look exactly like children’s toys.

I cannot tell you how absolutely bonkers it is that someone would think it would be a good idea to make a murder weapon look like a children’s toy, especially when thousands of children unintentionally shoot themselves or others each year.

The LEGO Group, obviously not pleased at all with this sent a cease and desist to the manufacturer, and pulled the product down. Here is their official statement shared.

We have contacted the manufacturer and they have removed the product from their website. We find the idea completely abhorrent.

Unfortunately, it did seem that less than 20 of these customisation kits were sold, and I just hope it doesn’t fall into the hands of an irresponsible parent with lax gun safety precautions, or worse.

Seriously, who thought this would be a good idea? Kudos on LEGO for reacting swiftly to this.

86 responses to ““Completely abhorrent” LEGO slams American firearms customiser for LEGO glock”

  1. Frank says:

    “Utah-based firearms modification company (why is this a thing?)”
    If you don’t know why a firearm modification company is a thing, you aren’t qualified to write an article about firearms.

  2. Shawn M Christensen says:

    It’s a good thing most Americans don’t feel that way about Firearms, if we did you guys would all be speaking German.

  3. Tyler says:

    I doubt it’d end up in little hands, not when it costs well past a grand

    This is people freaking out over nothing, again

    • Mark P says:

      Hello my friend, I hope you’re well.
      It sounds like we will always have differences of opinion, and nothing I do or say will change that.
      Suffice to say, if I find myself in situations where it feels like everyone else (outside of my small insular eco-system) is wrong, I force myself to rethink that situation, as often, even if I don’t change my opinion, I do discover different equally valid opinions.
      Anyway, all I’m trying to say is that I (and the entire rest of the world) do not understand America’s obsession with guns, and that by itself should cause you to think or rethink your personal stance on them.
      All the very best,
      With love from someone who’s never been shot, threatened, or beaten by a cop,

  4. Walter says:

    The problem is that some people have been so squeamish about even the mention of guns, that they refuse to allow even gun safety to be taught. Some people would rather foster ignorance by pretending guns don’t exist, than to help make people safe through education. This design wouldn’t be a problem if adults were responsible with their guns, and children were taught to respect guns by responsible adults. Ignorance is NEVER the solution.

  5. Lachlan says:

    Darwinism award goes to … (drum roll) …

  6. Aaron Cobb says:

    The only “murder weapon” is a human being. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this Lego set.

  7. Christopher says:

    That’s a collector’s piece you absolute dumb*ss. If you knew a single thing about this topic, you’d know that NOBODY is pulling this thing out in a home defense scenario. Hell, I would be surprised if anyone who bought it fired more than 10 rounds out of it at the range. Whether it’s the kind of art you enjoy or not, that’s exactly what it is… art. There are 400 million firearms in the United States. If people were leaving them on the floor with the kids’ toys, you’d know. The incidence of firearm deaths is incredibly small once you compare it to how many firearms actually exist here.
    Why don’t you silly Brits go back to confiscating each other’s baseball bats and bike wheels on neighborhood “weapons sweeps” and let us do what we do over here.

    • Jay says:

      There are 400 million firearms in the United States

      Odd flex.

    • Will says:

      As an American Army combat veteran, I’m honestly disgusted by these gun enthusiasts treating guns like toys, as if they’re designed for recreation. They try to use our Bill of Rights to justify it, but the 2nd Amendment specifically refers to defense and militias, not recreation. Guns are not toys. They are weapons. Once you think of them as anything else, you lose respect for them and that’s how people get killed.

      It’s fine to own them for self defense, but stop acting like you guys are action heroes. And seriously stop taking credit for the military service of others. It’s embarrassing and disgusting when a bunch of ignorant civilians try to act like they’ve done anything to fight for actual freedom, which we haven’t done as a country since World War 2. Everything after that was about profit and political capital.

      • Walter says:

        I agree with 90% of what you said here. However, the 2nd Amendment refers to only one thing: One the right of the common man to posses and carry the tools necessary to secure his own life and liberty. The ability to form a militia was the justification of writing it into the Constitution, but the principle behind it is that a free man must have access to the tools that secure his freedom.

        I believe that one can maintain respect for guns, and also derive enjoyment from innovative designs and artistic expression. We can encourage the former without discouraging the latter.

  8. Pat Riot says:

    Since you are not American, why don’t you STFU and keep your dimwit opinions to yourself? That would save some bits and bytes and protect the environment (I’m sure you are also a climate change fear mongerer!)
    Have a good one mate! Go crawl in a hole and hide if you are scared of big bad guns and if fun scares you too!

  9. John says:

    This Garrett guy is really worked up lmao

    • Garrett says:

      Count me out on that one. I just happen to be passionate about more than just Lego. I’m pointing at Mr. Riot for getting worked up.

    • Garrett says:

      I’d also be careful not to laugh at “Theturdwrangler.” Scary stuff from that guy.

  10. Antonio Di Carlo says:

    It just sounds much easier to commit murder with a gun. All your babbling about freedom is just trash. Freedom is not having the right to own guns, much more the right to stay alive despite the high number of idiot and frustrated Rambos with a “passion” for guns.

    • Garrett says:

      Freedom is the right to own whatever I want as long as I’m not harming somebody else or their property. The right to life is a right, but all too often it’s scoffed at.

      “Freedom is trash.” Wow. Just wow.

  11. James says:

    I am honestly ashamed to be an American right now. I have a great job, leading a great life and this is happening. Makes me want to move to Australia.

  12. J K says:

    I guarantee the people defending the the right to customise a gun with LEGO bricks are the exact same people who thought Lil Nas X’s Satan shoe should be illegal

    • Garrett says:

      Nope. Freedom is freedom. You can earn your way into hell however you want.

    • Christopher says:

      It’s ironic because it’s literally the same scenario.
      Lego didn’t like how their name/image was being used, so they said “take this down”.
      Just like Nike didn’t like the way their name/image was being used, and said “take this down”.

      Anything that you’d say about the “people who thought LNX’s shoe should be illegal”, you’re also saying about yourself (if you support one takedown and not the other).

  13. Mark P says:

    You’ve really bought the crazy Yanks out with this one Jay. 😆

    • Jay says:

      Oh boy, was I not prepared for this kerfuffle.

      Very eye-opening for me how uh.. passionate some Americans are about their murder weapons..

      • Mark P says:

        Yup. I admire their enthusiasm and fervour, even if it is sightly misplaced.
        I know it makes me sound like a complete hippy, but I do hope America can achieve peace, and not have to stress so much about self defence etc. Poor buggers.

        • Garrett says:

          You have no idea how much the world owes the people who are willing to fight for their freedom to get to the point where you can enjoy peace. In every modern country there is. So much taken for granted.

        • Vector says:

          Trust me, some of us Americans are completely shocked by this as well. The “you’re welcome for us!” attitude by its defenders is especially eye-rolling.

          • Garrett says:

            It’s funny how I said “in every modern country there is.” And you somehow made that only about Americans. I think that’s disrespectful to all the people that have ever fought in their own countries for the right to be free. Roll your eyes all you want, but answer this. How likely are you to move to a communist country to enjoy their freedoms?

      • Garrett says:

        It’s only a murder weapon if you use it to commit murder. Murder is illegal. Knives have been used to commit murder since there have been knives. Honey, can you pass me the murder weapon so that I can eat my steak.

      • Garrett says:

        Passionate about not getting murdered. No matter their weapon.

      • Garrett says:

        So much for not demonizing gun owning law abiding citizens btw.

      • Tom in MN says:

        Wow, I’m appalled at my fellow “Americans” who feel free to spew their general hate and their love of firearms in response to this post! I personally want nothing to do with the gun culture here. If our government did a better job of keeping firearms out of the hands of the mentally ill and people who are just plain dumb it would go a long way in reducing firearms-related crimes. (I don’t see the need to have personal firearm ownership at all, but let’s start with getting them away from idiots and see if that helps!)

        On the topic at hand, I fully agree that it is totally reckless to release this product. Any kid who finds such a product is going to assume it is a toy. If someone is so desperate to have a Lego wrapper for their gun, make it on your own and lock your gun away so no kid can ever have access to it.

        • Walter says:

          The problem is not the design of the gun, the problem is that responsibility and gun safety are not taught nor encouraged in this country. We allow the entertainment industry to use images of guns as being tools of power, but we forbid our education system to teach safety, responsibility, and respect for these tools. Our children see them every day on the television, but in the classroom we pretend they don’t exist. This is a mechanism for disaster.

  14. CARMEN COLLINS says:

    There is nothing wrong with what the company made. Shame on LEGO for taking other company products down

    • Garrett says:

      I looked into it a little. I don’t think they used lego’s name or product alongside they’re handgun. I don’t know what off brand they used, but aside from Lego having an opinion on the matter, I’m not sure what impropriety there is concerning the Lego company itself. A Mattel pink Barbie themed handgun might be next. A his and her fun adult gift idea for a special occasion might be interesting.

  15. American says:

    Mind your own buisness, you obviously arent mature. For god sake you’re an adult with a lego blog talking shit about a country your not from and about a topic you probably have no freedom to take part in. In simple terms, stay in your lane.

  16. Garrett says:

    You must be privileged to have lived without the need to protect yourself and others, and have been able to rely solely on the police. Things change tho. Sometimes much faster than the police could ever get to you in time to save you. It’s a sad reality for far too many people. Not just in the US, but everywhere in the world.

    • Rich says:

      How many times has a mass shooting, anywhere in the world, been stopped by another member of the public shooting the attacker? It usually ends with them killing themselves or the police shooting them. I’m just curious if there are any stats on that.

  17. GJBricks says:

    Seeing this, I think the only logical way to solve this is to ban LEGO in the USA. It worked for Kinder Surprise toys and it would work for LEGO. What a joke, making a perfectly safe tool like a gun that only kills 10k people a year and mixing it with something as dangerous as LEGO. So irresponsible.

    • J.p.p says:

      Let me help you come back too reality Not sure where you get your information? Most likely NBC ?
      “BUT” no #1 America was built on guns an freedom of speech that’s why the 1st & 2nd amendment are in that order without the 2nd amendment there won’t be a first amendment, the children an people who are killed by guns are criminals an gangs who steal illegal guns from legal gun owners and purchase them from black markets from criminals who build them in there garages then the guns are used to commit crimes & murder The poor children are the ones getting killed for being with there gang related parents, getting Caught in a cross fire. RESPONSIBLE gun owners aren’t the ones killing people/adults or children, I been a legal gun owner All my life an never hurt a soul, an never will. a gun is a tool just like a hammer or a wrench an either one can take a life. It’s all about educating children about firearms and the lack of that from PARENTS are children getting them in there hands hurting them selves, I love Lego’s as a 43 year old who grew up in the 80’s playing with them, I see no threat over this toy. But hey opinions are like assholes we all have one so for anyone who has a problem with guns then I challenge you ALL not to call a cop when your life is in danger.
      lets see how that works out. ya know ? A person with a gun? And if you don’t like America and it’s solid foundation of laws & gun culture then don’t live here there’s a plane that leaves everyday. OR just don’t acknowledge guns cause they aren’t EVER going away. CAUSE WE THE PEOPLE won’t let that happen👍😲

  18. Garrett says:

    Definitely unacceptable to sell Lego bricks without Lego’s consent. Otherwise, freedom to choose. Don’t like something? Move along.

  19. Just saying, there are laws about toy guns looking like real guns. That’s why there hasn’t been a G1 Megatron figure released in the U.S since the 1980s.

    • Garrett says:

      Not many kids (none that I heard of growing up) were shot back in the 80s and earlier running around at parks and on front lawns playing army, cops and robbers, cowboys and Indians, astronauts and aliens, etc. Different world now tho. No responsibility or respect being taught it seems.

    • The point I was making is it doesn’t really make sense. Toy guns can’t look like real guns, but real guns can look like toy guns.

  20. Wade Dever says:

    I see moc’s of this fixing to be posted all over the net. Unfortunately Lego won’t be able to stop them from selling instructions.

  21. Linda Vainomae-Hoffmann says:

    Great to see how quickly Lego took action to shut this insanity down.

    • Garrett says:

      It is insane to think you could sell somebody else’s product alongside your own without their consent and think it’s ok.

  22. Docski85 says:

    As a firearm enthusiast I appreciate the artistic, and one of a kind design of this. If you do not understand something maybe you should ask why and learn about it before calling it abhorrent. It might be to you but not others. This particular design is not my style of firearm, if the company infringe on copyrights for Lego, then yes they should stop, if they havent well that’s the best part about the United States of America, it provides freedom of choice. Instead of calling something you don’t understand a name, maybe learn about, experience, and understand something before passing judgement.

    • Mark P says:

      Lol! As a Staying Alive enthusiast, I’d recommend you find a better hobby. Did you know Lego accidents cause 0 deaths per year? Amazing!

      • Garrett says:

        Hobbies are hobbies. I don’t see how you’d consider one to be better than another. It has to do with satisfaction and enjoyment. I’m pretty sure kids choke to death on Lego parts every once in a while. If you think a hobby requires the absence of the possibility of harm, there goes racing of all kinds, sports, hiking, etc. Pretty much anything that requires you to come out of your mother’s basement.

        • Jay says:

          Bro, LEGO isn’t fixture in every single mass-shooting event.

          This is not normal at all.

          • Garrett says:

            What is a fixture in every mass shooting event are mentally unhinged people. Have you heard of all the car attacks on crowds, and the knife attacks? Suicide bombings? Violent insane people will use whatever they can. Only addressing a weapon used, and not addressing the mental illness in the people behind the weapon is stupid to put it mildly.

            • Mark P says:

              You’re actually semi correct there. America does have a really big problem with mental health. For instance, it should not be so easy for someone as unstable as a mass shooter to get a gun. No way, no how!

    • Nancy says:

      WTAF: like we haven’t had POLICE KILL CHILDREN for holding an f’ing actual TOY gun. Take your firearms ‘enthusiasm’ elsewhere; this is serious bastardization of toys/weapons of murder.

      • Garrett says:

        Weapons of murder? How about knives, cars, etc? How about instruments of protection and freedom? It comes down to your worldview I guess. How about the idea that it’s not for a kid. That adults can appreciate art of all kinds. Jeweled handled grips? Carved stocks and barrels? How about teaching children to be responsible and respectful around firearms. Oh, and not to point ANYTHING at a police officer, EVER.

        • ThatGuy says:

          Blah blah knives blah blah cars blah blah. Same stuff from you in every post. Cars, knives, and of your other imagined weapons have legitimate, purposeful uses. Guns, despite how YOU use them are designed to do one thing and one thing only.

          • Garrett says:

            Shoot things? Yes. Murder? No.

            You do know there’s a difference between killing and murdering right? Also, you might want to look up how many people are purposefully killed with knives, automobiles, and improvised explosives.

    • FMWarner says:

      I am also an American who now lives in Australia because my wife is here. I think there is a happy medium between the gun laws of both countries, and I enjoy shooting recreationally. But I cannot comprehend how anyone thinks disguising a real firearm as a LEGO toy is acceptable. We have enough problems without this. Is it legal? Probably. Is it a good idea? Absolutely not.

      • Jay says:

        I agree. While I do understand that there are many who responsibly own guns for recreation (even if I don’t personally agree), it just gives responsible gun owners a bad name.

        • Garrett says:

          Is it recreation to protect yourself and your family from an armed intruder at 3am, with the police’s response time being 5 min. longer than it would take for the intruder to kill you?

    • Jay says:

      While I understand those that partake in firearms as a hobby (even if I don’t agree), passing off a lethal weapon as a toy is objectively wrong, and very dangerous.

      Coming from a country without a single mass shooting massacre since 1996, this is completely befuddling that anyone would defend this irresponsible action.

      Sincerely, Jay from Australia.

      • Garrett says:

        From the beginning of time, kids used sticks as swords, than as guns, than plastic guns that looked almost exactly the same as real firearms. In fact, that was the point. A six-shooter like the Lone Ranger. An M1 garand to storm the beaches of Normandy with. An M-16 to crawl around your backyard bushes pretending you were in the jungles of Vietnam. None of these things were painted neon colors, or had orange tips until fairly recently. We live in a coddled society today where everything has to be “safe,” (and it really isn’t safe, which makes it worse that people think it is safe) while at the same time respect for law enforcement to include not pointing anything at them is ignored. Have you heard of jeweled grips? Engraved barrels and stocks? I can see how this could be considered s form of art. It’s not meant for children. You can look at Lego’s 18+ section. Not all hobbies leave you once you’ve reached adulthood. Using lego’s product without permission is wrong. Lawfully and morally wrong. The rest, is your opinion, my opinion, and the opinions of billions of others on any given subject. What I don’t understand is how there’s only 1 correct view, and any other view can’t be understood. It can, if you look outside your bubble. I can see other people’s reasoning, and make my own judgments. I don’t throw up my arms and act like any other opinion is nonsense and can’t have any reasoning behind it. On a side note. Homicide rates in Australia were already falling before the NFA. Non firearm homicides also were declining before and after the NFA. There was a school shooting in Melbourne in 2002 that killed two and injured five. Thankfully not higher numbers, but it did happen.

  23. Hammerdragon says:

    You could write a book on Americans “What were they thinking?”. This is just another side story to add to a growing list of a country that is sadly in decline and heading for civil war

  24. Mark P says:

    Eww. American’s obsession with guns is messed up. Did you know they have 1.2 guns per person over there?!? (Compared to 0.1 guns per person in Aus)
    So I expect there would be plenty of people out there who would buy this aberration.

    • Ecto 1 says:

      Im Not an american, european guy here. The entire world is held hostage to a fake virus and you have near nothing to defend yourself from anybody.

      Governments have a monopoly on violence and you think that your banjo will keep you safe for whats to come? Thats sweet

      Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters?

      • Garrett says:

        Remember, he’s a “staying alive” enthusiast, who doesn’t like guns. Sounds like he’s perfectly safe. (Shaking head in disbelief).

        • Mark P says:

          Oh, and Garrett, you’re more than welcome to move to Aus with us other Staying Alive enthusiasts. We’re perfectly safe. I leave my house unlocked all the time, my garage wide open, let the kids play in the creek out the back, it’s all friggin awesome. Never once have I been worried about some Crazy American coming in shooting up the place. 🤣
          I hope you can also find peace and tranquility outside of using murder weapons. All the best, my friend.

          • Garrett says:

            A gun free zone then huh? Thankfully shootings never occur in gun free zones.

            I can’t tell you how blessed you are. There are horrible people in every country tho. I truly hope you don’t have to deal with any of them.

      • Mark P says:

        I… I don’t actually know how to respond to this. Except to say all the best to you Ecto 1. May you find peace in your journey, and happiness in your heart. 🤗

        • Theturdwrangler says:

          Wow. I’ve never seen so much mental retardation in on sitting. And I have seen some real out there stuff. All of you should be ashamed of yourselves. Every, single, one of you. Who honestly, gives a rats rear end? No one. You all are mere pretenders, standing on your moral high horse, acting all “holier than thou” because you have certain views on gun laws. You all worry and occupy yourselves with problems that will literally never affect you in 100 years. When it comes down to it, every single person here that has ever commented, and will continue to comment after me, will betray their ideals if it means “being on the right side”. You are all sad, pathetic excuses for humanity. We deserve extinction, and you are all th harbingers that will bring it. You are all the very reason we deserve to be sent back to the stone age.

          • Garrett says:

            Projection much?

            “We deserve extinction.” I’ve heard these words before from different manifestos. I’m not joking. Get help man.

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