
LEGO’s VIP Program is being rebranded to LEGO Insiders

So here’s some shocking news. LEGO have officially announced that they will retire the LEGO VIP brand name, and it will now be known as LEGO Insiders from 21 August onwards.

Before you panic, it’s mostly a cosmetic change and everything you love about the LEGO VIP program including earning points on purchases, redeeming vouchers, early access to sets, and VIP-exclusive rewards and GWPs are ALL staying.

You can check out the new LEGO Insiders program at!

Anyone up for some LEGO Insider trading?

LEGO Insiders is part of a broader move to bring LEGO’s user accounts under one umbrella, merging LEGO Ideas, LEGO Builder (the instructions app), LEGO Life and of course, LEGO VIP into one singular account.

Technically, it does make a lot of sense, as you’ll only need the one sign-in to access all these services, and it sounds like it’s a lot more seamless.

There will also be a LEGO Insiders Community, a hub for fans to share builds, learn more about sets and designers and connect with other LEGO fans.

A new way to earn bonus Insider Points

There is one exciting new feature that fans will appreciate. You’ll also be able to register the sets that you purchase and own by scanning the unique QR code on your instructions manual, to earn you 20 Insider Points per scan.

You can do this as many times as you can, and each QR code is unique so you’ll only be able to register one unique instruction manual to your account, so no sharing manuals between friends for points.

You can do this with multiple sets, which is handy if you buy a lot of battle packs, so depending on where you live, this could mean anywhere from 34-40 scans to get about 5 bucks off.

This only works with Instruction Manuals that have QR codes printed on them, which I believe began in 2017 or 2018.

Registering of sets will open from 21 August onwards, when LEGO Insiders is officially launched. The only exception of sets that can’t be scanned are the LEGO City Mission sets, any sets/products that do not have building instructions or a unique QR code in the building instructions.

Apart from that, nothing much is materially changing. Your VIP Account and existing VIP Points will magically switch over and become an Insider Account with Insider Points when the program launches on 21 August 2023.

I will feel sad about the LEGO VIP program not being a thing any more, mostly because it’s been the one constant throughout my fan experience.

Phrases like Double VIP or VIP Points are embedded within the LEGO Hobby, and LEGO Insiders just sounds awkward and feels weird, although like most changes, we’ll all probably get used to it.

I’m just glad nothing much is changing for now. Speaking to LEGO Insiders Director Jason Whiting, he did allude to this being the first step and the foundations of something larger that they’re building, so expect more surprises, fan engagement opportunities and more once the LEGO Insiders program starts humming.

LEGO Insiders will launch on 21 August, and you can access all the VIP Perks from

What do you think of this change? Will you miss the LEGO VIP branding?

39 responses to “LEGO’s VIP Program is being rebranded to LEGO Insiders”

  1. Michael Russell says:

    I have the Lego builder app, and have previously scanned my instructions.
    Will I have to re scan my instructions again, or will they automatically be registered against the new Insiders points?
    Many thanks

  2. Jan Whisel says:

    I’m looking forward to hours of scanning as many of my old manuals as I can! We keep them neatly stored, so hopefully a little work will earn my more $$ saved!

  3. tim says:

    TO MODERATOR , why do you delete my comments ?? no swearing or violence, im not lying or telling untruths !!!!!
    If you cant see what they are trying to condition people to do and how bad it is then you need to re evaluate why you are doing / think. Its an obvious scam to get data from your phone….. So you are either for the human race and basic human rights or your are part of the enemy of the people…… Dont censor people that dislike a digital function …..
    Moderating your comment section as you do is a disgrace to people being able to comment ……..
    Have a think about what you are really doing……………………

    • Jay Ong says:

      Dude, no one is deleting anything. As a new commenter, I need to pop in and approve pending comments.

      • tim says:

        Oh ok. Thankyou , sorry i misjudged . I apologize.
        I refreshed page several times but nothing was there, must be a delay. I assumed was deleted cause what i was trying to warn people they are doing.

        Its obviously getting data from peoples phones for some reason.
        All these WEF aligned CEO’s companies are all pushing to digitize humans. Give us all a unique digital id… All these companies are trying there best to achieve that one way or another through more and more digital scams attached to physical purchases.
        The more people accept these scraps in exchange for their data given to people they don’t know is all conditioning.
        Resist it.
        People are losing it . Example : when i go to a store and i have no cash on me i need to use my credit card. I don’t use a chip so i use a credit card as they were originally made. People look at me weird when i explain to them that a credit card is not the chip, they don’t even know what the swipe function is anymore. The chip sends more data about you and your transaction. those chips can also be read when you walk through a scanner …. A doorway at a shopping mall can be made into a scanner.. People use all this digital stuff and they dont even know what it does / can do and is actually used for..

        This is how they are building a social credit system score that they want to force us all to use in the future.
        Resist or fall to your new masters.
        Start using cash as much as possible
        Stop scanning QR codes with your private data device.

        I tell people i threw my mobile phone out nearly a decade ago and that i think they should do the same… They start to squirm about the thought of not having it around them… Its almost like a permanent attachment to most people these days….. Truly is sad to see. Then some tell you they don’t even know the password to their own phone >.< True story..

        • tman says:

          I’m betting you have 119 copies of The Catcher in the Rye in your home.

          • tim says:

            I bet you have only ever watched propaganda ??

            Im telling people to wake up to what they are doing….
            Do you know what you are really doing when you do things online ??
            What ever function .
            What does a Captcha really do ??
            Did the QR code just GPS my location when i scanned that Lego qr code at my home ?
            I did just use a gps computer in my pocket with all my personal data ( more than i even realise i ever put into it )

            Come on tman . You cant say that when you give consent to others and other unknown 3rd parties that your data is being used for what they say ( you think ) its being used for.
            People have turned into mindless consumers not comprehending when they are giving away their consent , to whom, or to what…

            But hey ” catcher in the rye ”

            I’ll take your derogatory views to try and wake you up , ill also reply with facts and a sentence not just what “they” programmed you to say to certain things to kill a valid point……

          • tim says:

            I’m not fighting just trying to let people see. Your comment tells me your exactly the type consumer that needs to be aware of what I’m talking about.

            I assume your Australian and are very aware that they government is fully behind the idea of digitizing ever human, a social credit system, carbon credit score to restrict purchases and movements in the future, cash less society 100% digital. And that they use and allow a lot of this to happen through private companies ( hence one reason why they sold off all public assets to control at arms length to get all the benefits of private company laws and secrecy , but still get a lot of the $ )

            What are the key factors for China’s social credit system to operate ?
            Have you researched what you are doing when scanning a QR code ? ( and not from those sources that which to keep you blind and asleep ) and especially random QR codes on a the street advertising boards ect.
            Do you remember the Donkey and the Carrot story ?? ( Basically Lego have set up a carrot and hoping for all the donkey’s to follow the carrot ever slowly waking forward. Where are they hearding the donkey’s toward ?? ?….
            Please don’t be one of the donkey’s …
            What data have i just given consent to be given away to total strangers globally ??
            Have you every watch and listened to what the people at these global events discuss and their mindset ??
            How do i put it ….. They are totally absorbed by the demon of “commerce” to a level which is evil to put it frank.

            I don’t mean to offend anyone with the words i use. I trying to get them to wake up to the reality of what they are doing and what they are being led into at many angles by many companies .
            Like you said anyone can do as they want. And I’m all for that but be aware of what you are wanting and what you will get. Some want to be spoon feed by the government with a billion rules, some just wanna live a simple life in peace. If too many donkeys follow the carrot it makes it harder for those that don’t wanna engage in bad terms and conditions to purchase items…….
            Look what they did the last few years.
            Everything is mostly done in small steps to achieve goals cause if they did them in massive jumps people would kick back and stop it… Occasionally they do big ones as there is no other way.

            I hope i may of at least made you curious as to what this scheme is and others..
            Have a nice day. I wont comment again as you can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink. I am Happy to continue in a conversation if you wish.
            And again I’m not trying to offend anyone by my words or lingo used.

            • tman says:

              My response was a joke, in reference to a very particular movie.

              • tim says:

                I nose the movie pretty well. I wasn’t sure which side you was taking re: the reference, but was a good place to leave my words for others to hopefully see.
                Have a great Sunday !!

  4. tim says:

    Having a device that has your whole life info data on it and people willing scan QR codes with that device >.< If you cant see what they are trying to condition you into , Then you need to take a step back and think again about what they are offering and what you willingly do for petty scraps . Yes I'm a Lego VIP but i don't use mobile ( spy devices ) phones. If you cant resist this then what wont you be able to resist as an offer…. BE STRONG NOT WEAK…
    My original message got deleted my moderator, so i suppose they don't like me saying this !!!!!!!!!!

  5. tim says:

    I’m over all this digital rubbish. I threw my mobile phone out nearly a decade ago.. BEST THING I EVER DID.. Having a device that has your whole life info data on it and people willing scan QR codes with that device >.< If you cant see what they are trying to condition you into , Then you need to take a step back and think again about what they are offering and what you willingly do for petty scraps . Yes I'm a Lego VIP but i don't use mobile ( spy devices ) phones. If you cant resist this then what wont you be able to resist as an offer…. BE STRONG NOT WEAK

  6. legohead says:

    Can we still uses the physical vip cards in the store? I hate using apps

  7. Nancy says:

    Insider? Sounds like a tabloid. Meh. I prefer to be a VIP. But points for scanning instruction books sounds good… unless…, are they devaluing points if they are easier to get?

  8. tman says:

    “scanning the unique QR code on your instructions manual, to earn you 20 Insider Points per scan.”

    When I first heard the news about this I was super excited that we might redeem points based on the official RRP of the set we scanned in, as I buy fewer, but larger sets and not usually from the official Lego site.

    This updated news really bums me out. According to this I have to scan 135 instruction manuals just to get a AUD$30 discount voucher. Figuring the time required to scan each thing individually (assuming likely 30 seconds depending on how Lego designs the input interface), I would earn more money for less invested time at the absolute minimum wage in my country to rather just flip burgers for an hour or two.

    Nothing changes really.

    • Jay Ong says:

      So it’s low enough that it doesn’t encourage people to do dodgy things like slash open boxes and scan manuals, or other shifty things people can do to game the system.

      But it’s not entirely nothing, so hey, a bonus 20 points is a bonus 20 points for a few seconds work. It’s not for everyone, but for people with large manual collections that go back to 2018, it’s a nice little bonus.

      • tman says:

        I guess you’re right, it might encourage bad behaviour. I hadn’t really considered that.

        Would have been nice to see an in-between approach like scaling the points reward up a little bit for larger sets, even if it was just 40 points for a mid and 60 for a larger set.

        An improvement is an improvement though, you’re right there too.

        • tim says:

          Plain and simple …. Lego are offering us scraps to use a personal digital data device to help create part of a social credit system……
          If anyone thinks that they are getting something good out of this deal they need to rethink what the offer really is……

          • tman says:

            That sounds excessively paranoid my friend.

            People can *voluntarily* opt to scan in these codes. The logical use for any data collected, for any company trying to maintain some form of profit, would be vastly greater insight into their customers true buying habits, outside of their official stores.

            Honestly, that’s likely a good thing, because it will likely better guide their production choices and pricing to better reflect the real world.

            I have *zero* problem with volunteering information that let’s Lego know everything I bought for the last five years. What is there to hide?

            My only gripe was the effort not being worth the reward. I already have many thousands of spare points from the ‘exclusives’ I can only buy off Lego directly. Spending over an hour scanning codes to get $30 off of something I can usually buy at a greater discount from a third party is where the desire to bother hits a brick wall.

            The only problem then becomes the people that do opt to do this are likely the ones buying tons of small sets. People like me buying less but more expensive sets would not bother. That could potentially skew their data in a damaging way.

            • tim says:

              Yes anyone an do so if they wish. I never said one cant i said one shouldn’t for many reasons.
              I’m not excessively paranoid i have my eyes wide open with all my wits. Unfortunately most in the world just proved otherwise.
              If you have not done any research into what i was saying to try and wake people up from giving personal data over in droves then one shouldn’t not in the first sentence to dismiss like “conspisiry thinker , he’s just paranoid ”
              Time to get real with the info people give away for nothin. Cause its not always used as you try to explain away.
              And you have no idea who the 3rd party companies are and what they do with you info.
              f you think this is for marketing .
              When they use that data against you and tell you you have too much before buying again you might think that giving away so much data for nothing was a bad idea.
              Wake up to the changing world

  9. CARMEN COLLIN says:

    None of my instruction have QR codes

  10. Reader says:

    It’s hard to get excited about “Insiders”. It implies something like first to know or having behind the scenes access. Neither of which are really true, because the programs are (rightfully) open to everyone.

    Nice laundering money picture. 🙂

  11. Josh says:

    This is pretty good change management.
    Rebrand- scary, uncertain, new, change.
    Actual change – not much changing for now
    New features to help soften the blow

    But could open the door for more drastic changes once the initial rebrand happens.
    What I’d really love is the combining of Lego, AG Certified and Dreamword LCS VIP point systems

    • Jay Ong says:

      There was quite a bit of consultation, and this process I believe has been going on for many years now.

      I was part of the initial pilot project in 2016:, and there were various checkins throughout, where feedback was sought from LUG Ambassadors/Content Creators etc.

      As long as there’s no change in the structure of earning points, we should be okay.

      The way I see it, LEGO are just looking to enhance their data capabilities and finding out more about their consumers.

  12. Sheri Morley says:

    Well, I’ve been a LEGO VIP for a few years and just kinda rolled w/it until recently. I tried to access the purchase of the recent Corvette Lego kit(I’ve loved Corvettes since I was 15!) when it became available for early access to VIP. Remember, no issues prior to this. The website literally had me going in circles. I clicked to sign in to my VIP account, entered my info, clicked enter and went right back to “If you’re a VIP sign in…” Thinking I made a mistake somehow, I did the same. I did this 4 more times before I just quit.
    Whatever they do with it, *shrug* I’ll still buy Lego but I’m not going to get excited about early access any more.

    • Andrew says:

      I was in the same situation! I had to call their customer service and they got it straightened out pretty easily.

  13. Håkan says:

    I remain skeptical to corporation-led change, on pure principle. I’ll wait and see how this will unfold…

  14. Monty says:

    Did you mention if double points would still be a thing? You mention the phrase, but not whether the event itself would continue. Also will the value of points change at all? Like it says – “Earn LEGO Insider points when purchasing” but it doesn’t provide an equivalency, nor does your article, unless I missed it? If so I apologise.

  15. David Kessel says:

    The point of this change eludes me. Looking around the house, I don’t have room for any more LEGOs unless we move. Another issue is that LEGO is no longer providing me with missing bricks. I suspect there may have been a change in management.

  16. Jerutix says:

    Guess I should have kept my manuals. Eh, the lack of clutter is probably worth the $10 max I could have earned.

    • Andrea says:

      Agreed. Makes me a little sad to think of all the points I may have missed out on! But I like to download and save them from the website and toss the hard copies.

  17. S.J says:

    this is bad……………. but also sort of good.

  18. Adele says:

    Glad I got my VIP blue minifig keyring at my last purchase!

    I better start scanning those instruction manuals! hahaha

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